When and When Not To Go Poker All-In


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If you’re looking for a hugely popular card game enjoyed in countries all over the globe, you’d struggle to find something more popular than poker. Poker is a game that many of us know and love, yet mastering the poker rules can be very tricky for beginners. Whilst there is a certain degree of chance involved in poker, it is also a very skill-oriented game. For people looking to learn and master the various poker rules currently out there, it may be wise, to begin with, free online poker.

Playing free online poker will allow you to learn the rules, without risking any real cash. One aspect of poker which a lot of poker players struggle with, however, is knowing when and when not to go all-in with poker. Even some of the pros struggle with this quandary from time to time. If you’re looking to familiarize yourself with poker rules, here’s a little help in regards to when you should, and should not, go all in with poker.

What does going all-in actually mean?

Put very simply, when people refer to going ‘all-in’, they are referring to the fact that they are choosing to bet all of their chips/money on that particular hand. Some games have no limits on how much a player can bet, so they can bet as much, or as little, as they like. When players go all-in, however, the game becomes a great deal more interesting and exciting. Once a player is all-in, they will either lose everything or potentially earn a vast quantity of chips/money.

When do players go all-in?

Players go all-in when playing poker, for a whole variety of different reasons. Primarily, many players decide to risk everything when they are confident that they have a very strong hand. By going all-in with a strong hand, they are confident that no other players will have a stronger hand than theirs. Alternatively, some people decide to go all-in as a bluff. Even if their hand isn’t particularly strong, by going all-in, this causes the other players to think that they have a strong hand, and they are far more likely to fold because they won’t want to risk losing everything they’ve won up to that point.

When should a player go all-in?

When playing poker, whether it is free online poker, or a live game, knowing the poker rules of when to go all in is very important. In some instances, going all in can be considered very smart. These include:

  • You know that you have a very strong hand and you are confident that you will be called.
  • Your chips are running low and you need to win big to stay in the game
  • You’re confident that your opponent is, on a draw, short of just one card of a winning hand and going all in will prevent them getting that card.

When should a player not go all-in?

  • Your starting hand is good but players have already folded and the pot is very low.
  • Your hand is fairly impressive but is certainly very beatable.
  • You do not want to risk losing everything at this particular point in the game.

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