Is Poker Online Any Good? 5 Ways You Can Be Certain!

If you find Poker interesting, but don’t want to leave your house to get to the nearest casino to play, Online poker is definitely for you.

But is playing online poker any good? Let’s check it out.

Poker Logo

  1. There is no better way to learn poker than to play it for free, and at your convenience. It is not easy to go out every time to a casino when in the mood to play, but with the online sites you can start learning and gaining skill anywhere and anytime.
  1. Plethora of poker sites are cropping up where players can enjoy state of the art gameplay on practically all devices. They give you a real-time casino environment coupled with scintillating features and more variations of games to choose from to ensure you never get bored, no matter how many hours you spend online.
  1. When you play online Poker, you get to meet, play and talk with people from all over the world. There are always people to play against who have a totally different set of experiences than you so you can learn from them. You can learn a lot by observing your opponents and their poker-playing styles.
  1. If you play free online poker, you can earn a good amount of money. Playing for free is one of the best ways to work on your skills so that you can make some big bucks.
  1. Yes, once you learn Poker you will see that this is actually a very rewarding and fun game. There are many sites that offers lucrative rewards. Where not a single penny goes out of your pocket and you still get to take home large bonuses!

So, if you haven’t already, give online poker a try and dive into some poker action right away!

Know about the basic Poker Terms before you hit the game

If you want to learn poker, it is requisite to know certain terms before you get into the big game. So it’s extremely important that all poker players should know some of the basic terms.

To help you out, I’ve listed some of the terms you will stumble across when playing the free online poker game.



To bet all your available chips in a single bet.

A small portion of forced bet that players are required to make before a hand is dealt.

Big Blind

Compulsory bet made by the player sitting next to the Small Blind. The value of Big Blind is double that of the Small Blind.


This is a 10 through ace straight. Usually, it will also include a group of cards that range from 10 to ace to begin with.


The bubble is the last finishing position in the poker tournament before you enter a payout structure.


To match a bet that has already been placed.


If you don’t want to bet, you can just ”check”. Herein, no money is bet.

Community Cards

Cards that are dealt face-up by the Dealer and can be used by all players.


If a player doesn’t want to play further they Fold and exit the hand being played. Further betting has no effect on their chips.

Four of a Kind

Four out of five cards are of the same rank.


A hand consisting of any three cards of the same number, plus any other two cards of the same number.


This is basically a hand that has five cards with the same suit. It’s a very good hand and one that you do want to have.


The term is based on the idea that you enter the pot cheaply and you just called the blind instead of raising. It can be similar to the limp in this regard!


The insurance is a deal where the players reduce or split a pot with more cards. It’s a good deal most of the time for the players that are a part of it.


The jackpot is basically a variant of the five card draw and it usually has an ante from each one of the players. There are no blinds and there is also an opening requirement. The pool of money is collected by the house and it’s shared appropriately depending on the situation.


The push happens when you want to bet all in. This is actually a very helpful thing to do and it will help you quite a bit most of the time.


Also known as the Fifth, is the term used for the last community card dealt. This is the final betting round in a poker hand.


The end of a hand when the cards of all the active players are revealed to evaluate the winner.

Small Blind

Small value of compulsory bet made by the person sitting next to the Dealer.


Five consecutive cards belonging to different suits.

Straight Flush

Five consecutive cards of the same suit.


Also known as the Fourth, is the term used for the fourth community card dealt. It’s the third round of betting.

There are plethora of terms that are used in the poker game. So play more online poker to get better. And, don’t forget to enjoy the game as well!

4 Poker Movies Worth Watching To Boost Your Game

There is nothing better than kicking back, relaxing, and enjoying a nice game of free online poker during your spare time. Playing free online poker is great because it allows you to learn poker, to meet new people, and to play a very enjoyable game, without having to risk losing any cash.

Some of you may enjoy poker at the casino, or even a poker night round at your friend’s house perhaps. No matter which settings you choose to play poker in however, sometimes, through no fault of your own, your mojo just deserts you and you just can’t seem to find your form or to stay on top of your game. Playing poker is tougher than a lot of people realize, and if you’re looking to learn poker for the first time, you will need all of the help you can get. If you’re looking to boost your motivation and your experience, it may be worth checking out a few popular poker movies perhaps.

Here are a few poker movies which are worth watching that will help you to boost your game.

casino movies
4 Poker Movies Worth Watching To Boost Your Game

Casino Royale

Who doesn’t enjoy a good Bond movie here? Yes, here we have Casino Royale, starring Daniel Craig as James Bond for his very first time, and what a debut!

Casino Royale just oozes charm and sophistication and really glamorizes the exciting world of poker. Much of the movie is centered around Bond battling the wonderful Mads Mikkelsen, who plays the head of a lead terrorist organization, in a high-stakes game of poker. The poker scenes are very intense, and whilst poker purists may argue that professionals would not play in such a manner generally we’ll let it slip because the movie will leave you just itching to get at the poker tables.

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

This British gangster flick from Guy Ritchie doesn’t actually contain too many poker scenes, but the primary storyline is centered around a very high stakes game, so again, we’ll let that slip. The movie features a hapless group of small time petty con men who try to outwit an East End crime lord in an illegal poker match. The match is rigged, the friends lose and subsequently have to come up with a considerably large amount of money to pay off their debts otherwise they’ll begin to lose parts of their body.


If you want to get a sense of how poker used to be played in the Wild West of the USA, Maverick is a fantastic watch. Starring Mel Gibson as a poker ace, Mel and his buddies travel to the biggest poker tournament of the year – a winner takes all, five-card draw riverboat game. Tense, cool, witty, and exciting, this is a poker movie that will certainly motivate you to step up your game.

The Cincinnati Kid

Considered by many to be one the best movies ever made, not just one of the best poker movies, one of the best movies, the Cincinnati Kid is a must watch for poker lovers. Starring the amazing Steve McQueen, the movie is centered around McQueen’s character making his way around New Orleans, with the intention of entering, and winning, one of the biggest poker tournaments in the world.

When and When Not To Go Poker All-In


Image Source: Google Images


If you’re looking for a hugely popular card game enjoyed in countries all over the globe, you’d struggle to find something more popular than poker. Poker is a game that many of us know and love, yet mastering the poker rules can be very tricky for beginners. Whilst there is a certain degree of chance involved in poker, it is also a very skill-oriented game. For people looking to learn and master the various poker rules currently out there, it may be wise, to begin with, free online poker.

Playing free online poker will allow you to learn the rules, without risking any real cash. One aspect of poker which a lot of poker players struggle with, however, is knowing when and when not to go all-in with poker. Even some of the pros struggle with this quandary from time to time. If you’re looking to familiarize yourself with poker rules, here’s a little help in regards to when you should, and should not, go all in with poker.

What does going all-in actually mean?

Put very simply, when people refer to going ‘all-in’, they are referring to the fact that they are choosing to bet all of their chips/money on that particular hand. Some games have no limits on how much a player can bet, so they can bet as much, or as little, as they like. When players go all-in, however, the game becomes a great deal more interesting and exciting. Once a player is all-in, they will either lose everything or potentially earn a vast quantity of chips/money.

When do players go all-in?

Players go all-in when playing poker, for a whole variety of different reasons. Primarily, many players decide to risk everything when they are confident that they have a very strong hand. By going all-in with a strong hand, they are confident that no other players will have a stronger hand than theirs. Alternatively, some people decide to go all-in as a bluff. Even if their hand isn’t particularly strong, by going all-in, this causes the other players to think that they have a strong hand, and they are far more likely to fold because they won’t want to risk losing everything they’ve won up to that point.

When should a player go all-in?

When playing poker, whether it is free online poker, or a live game, knowing the poker rules of when to go all in is very important. In some instances, going all in can be considered very smart. These include:

  • You know that you have a very strong hand and you are confident that you will be called.
  • Your chips are running low and you need to win big to stay in the game
  • You’re confident that your opponent is, on a draw, short of just one card of a winning hand and going all in will prevent them getting that card.

When should a player not go all-in?

  • Your starting hand is good but players have already folded and the pot is very low.
  • Your hand is fairly impressive but is certainly very beatable.
  • You do not want to risk losing everything at this particular point in the game.

Four Lessons I’ve Learned From Free Poker

I’m not a great poker player but I’ve learned so much from it. Having a poker mindset is so useful in real life. After playing poker for a while and really understanding the basics of the game, I  began to see the difference.

The game trains you to make critical decisions, read body language, understand people much better, spot opportunity, handle failure, improve math skills and much more.

Poker May 15Image Source: Google Images

1. You will definitely improve your emotional control and become immune to stressful situations. You will know how to control the anger better and manage the aggressive reactions. It is important to recognize when the emotions are influencing your decisions in the game, so you need to focus, concentrate and calm down before you do or say anything because the biggest losses in the casinos have been done, thanks to the emotions that interfere in the game. You can work better on your emotions, meditate or workout in order to improve the emotional control. You can also control the breathing while you are at the poker table because this can help a lot.

2. You will learn to discover your weaknesses in whatever situation you are trying to handle in your life just by playing the poker game. Maybe you have been too much aggressive when it comes to the pocket pair, or you are too fast when is your turn to play, so often you make mistakes. Fixing that will help you to improve the game and in your life as well.

3. It is easy to blame the cards or the luck in the game when actually you are the one who is playing with the cards. You need to learn how to play with the cards that are given to you and give your best in order to win the game. Some people spend a lot of energy complaining about the cards they have been dealt with, instead of focusing on the game. Do not worry about the things you can’t change and go with the flow of the game. Instead of wanting better cards or better things in life, just focus on what you are given.

4. You learn to cherish the present, not the past. The poker has the different outcome every time, so do not rely on the previous winnings or losses, because every next time you will have different results. If today you have won a game, tomorrow you might lose everything, and this is the way the game works, so do not rely on the past experiences and results, just pursue the future ones.

Why Learning Poker Game Can Actually Improve Your Health Condition!

In this day and age when people are cooped up inside their offices in front of their computers all the time, there is seldom any time for exercise. Doing the same job day in and day out can be bad for your mental health as your brain is not getting enough exercise to keep itself active, this may adversely affect your mental health. So what are some ways one can ensure better mental health as they grow older?

One of the best ways to increase mental health is to play poker! So why should you play poker and how can it benefit you?

Improves Problem-Solving Skills

When you learn poker and play with seasoned opponents, one of the things which you will learn which will greatly benefit you will be the ability to be better at solving problems. When you play poker you have to choose strategies, look at your cards, calculate your risk and what moves your opponents can make, all this involves a lot of mental thinking. The problem solving and critical thinking skills you acquire by playing poker will make you better at other areas of your life.

Helps You Make Friends

Poker is not a solitary activity but requires opponents. Hence when you set out to learn poker and subsequently play it, you will do so with other people. This means you will make friends with those who you are playing against. Even if you choose to play free online poker, you will befriend others in that online poker playing community. Making friends has long been proven to better people’s mental health.

Keeps Dementia and Alzheimer’s At Bay

As people grow older, dementia and Alzheimer’s are a real risk. Playing poker or even trying to learn poker, aid critical thinking and activate certain regions of the brain. When the brain is activated, it is in a way getting exercise. Hence, there have been studies which have shown that if a person plays a game which increases their critical thinking abilities, they have a lower risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Relieve Your Stress

Playing poker is a recreational activity and effectively reduces your stress. If you learn poker and play it every once in a while, your stress levels actually decrease as playing poker encourages the production of dopamine in your brain. Playing free online poker is a great way for you to play poker without the risk of losing your money. Hence, this only leaves the playing part in the game which means this is like any other game and you can easily relax as you play.

Poker is a great way to keep your mental health in check hence encourage you to not only learn poker but also venture into playing online poker once in a while to keep up your mental health and overall well-being.

Learn Poker, Teen Patti and More Card Games With Gamentio Classrooms


Card games classroom


Card games are very popular worldwide. In India, Poker, Rummy and Teen Patti are the most popular online card games. From young adults to retired folks, the appeal of card games is unparalleled to any other online game.


However, in our fast-paced tech savvy lives it’s difficult to find time to play these games and actually learn them.

Don’t get disheartened, that’s what I’m here for. Let me introduce to you Gamentio- the online 3D social casino.


Believe me, I’m not making any false pretenses here. Gamentio, unlike others, is a free  real-time multi-player card game platform where users can play, learn and engage by playing against each other. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about inputting credit card details upon registration, unlike in other games, which is comforting for someone like me who likes to first see what the app is about before investing time and money in it.


It’s a great platform that combines learning and fun. A player may count on Gamentio Classrooms to learn the much-needed skills and tactics required to ace the game.


Through tutorials, a player can learn about how to minimize his losses during a bad streak and maximize his winnings during a good one. Master how to make a pure sequence in Rummy to when to play blind in Teen Patti to what’s a royal flush in Poker to what are the right pairs to split in BlackJack and much more.



Start by picking a game of your choice and click on the tab “Classroom”.  

Say, you choose to click on Poker.



In-game carousels will introduce you to the basics of the game as well as the objective, rules and the technical terms associated. Basically, a quick run through, enough, to help you get started.


After you have gained enough confidence with the basics, click on the “Learn in-game” tab to move on to the practice rooms. These are real time game rooms (not prototypes) where you can practice for hours and are given hints at every step, every hand, and every round.



A player can move onto the live rooms once he/she has practiced enough. To make the learning effective, test your capabilities by playing with your friends or international players from across the world. Also, Gamentio has an excellent reward system where players earn points on each winning hand.


But players do not play just one game and become masters.  If you want to be an excellent player, it’s going to take a lot of practice and time. Not to worry, on Gamentio you can learn and play for unlimited hours without spending a penny from your pocket.


In my opinion, it’s a win-win proposition for players — learning via playing and the points which are awarded on winning hands can then be redeemed for various cash vouchers. Isn’t it just amazing, especially for all the shopaholics like me!  

via gamentio

How to escape boredom at the airport with card games

If you are getting bored at the airport, playing card games is a great way to pass time. You can play whether you are alone or with a bunch of people. This is also a great way to spend time with your children. There are card games online that you can play. Here are some games that you can play to escape boredom.

card games


Cards must be placed in a specific layout and sorted into their individual suits.

Go Fish

This is a classic game that even kids can play. Dealer deals 5 or 7 cards to other players and puts the other cards face down in a jumbled pile or “pool.” The next player will choose another player and ask the others if they have any X. They must have the card they ask for and if a player they ask has the same card, they need to give all of them up. In case they don’t have the requested cards, they will say “go fish” and the player must pick up a card from the pool. When a player completes his set of cards, he can keep it aside. The one to finish all the cards before anyone else is the winner.


If boredom really gets to you while waiting at the airport, then you can play rummy. This is a term which mixes a lot of variations of card games, with gin as one of these variations. The idea of this card game is making melds, either runs or sets. There are variations of rummy that has different rules with different scoring systems. This card game can be played by 2-6 players. This is an excellent card game you can play on your phone to kill boredom at the airport.


The best card game of all time is poker. This can also be a family of card game like rummy and bridge where every player should play against each other. The winner will be determined by the combinations and ranks of the card of the player. There will be cards that are dealt to players and every version of this game has various numbers of cards. At the same time, there are some shared cards which are open for everyone to see. There are also hidden cards. Betting has been a huge part of this game together with the judging of cards of other players based on their body language and reaction. Poker is one of the best games that can help you pass time at the airport. You also need to take caution because this game can really get addicting because of the thrill of beating other players and winning.

Learn Poker, Teen Patti and More Card Games With Gamentio Classrooms

Card games are very popular worldwide. In India, Poker, Rummy and Teen Patti are the most popular online card games. From young adults to retired folks, the appeal of card games is unparalleled to any other online game.

However, in our fast-paced tech savvy lives it’s difficult to find time to play these games and actually learn them.

Don’t get disheartened, that’s what I’m here for. Let me introduce to you Gamentio- the online 3D social casino.

Believe me, I’m not making any false pretenses here. Gamentio, unlike others, is a free  real-time multi-player card game platform where users can play, learn and engage by playing against each other. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about inputting credit card details upon registration, unlike in other games, which is comforting for someone like me who likes to first see what the app is about before investing time and money in it.

It’s a great platform that combines learning and fun. A player may count on Gamentio Classrooms to learn the much needed skills and tactics required to ace the game.

Through tutorials, a player can learn about how to minimise his losses during a bad streak and maximise his winnings during a good one. Master how to make a pure sequence in Rummy to when to play blind in Teen Patti to what’s a royal flush in Poker to what are the right pairs to split in BlackJack and much more.


Start by picking a game of your choice and click on the tab “Classroom”.  

Say, you choose to click on Poker.


In-game carousels will introduce you to the basics of the game as well as the objective, rules and the technical terms associated. Basically, a quick run through, enough, to help you get started.


After you have gained enough confidence with the basics, click on the “Learn in-game” tab to move on to the practice rooms. These are real time game rooms (not prototypes) where you can practice for hours and given hints at every step, every hand, and every round…Read more here- Learn Poker, Teen Patti and More Card Games With Gamentio Classrooms