5 Things To Know About Indian Rummy


Rummy, a card game which was once played only by the elite. That era has been long gone and today Rummy is played by masses, both live and online. Thanks to the advancement in technology, Rummy is now easily available to play on a plethora of Online Gaming Apps. Be it just for the sake of learning the game, as a pastime or playing Rummy to use your skills to make some serious money, you can do it all within your own comfort zone.

A vast majority of people now enjoy playing Rummy online with their friends and family but what is also great is that playing online within a gaming forum offers you the chance to create private rooms for selected by yourself people as well as competing against complete strangers. There are five things a person should know when beginning to play Indian Rummy.

  1. Style of cards

One would assume that each and every card should be the exact mirror image as the other but in some cases this varies. For Instance cards such as Jack, their hairstyles will differ whereas the weapons on the King card will support a change in weapon, for example an axe or a sword. Another strange fact is that the only card from the pack which shows any facial expression different to the stern look of the remaining pack, is the Queen of diamonds. She shows a smile whilst the other cards are miserable and look as though the characters are filled with gloom.

  1. What can you benefit from game play?

If a person can concentrate and pay enough attention to playing Indian Rummy, then it becomes apparent that it is not just a game. It is in a fact a learning board and influences intellectual skills and player development. This particular type of game aids in helping a person remember things better, encourages prediction skills and even managing risk. If a player pays correct attention, these are all skills worthy of adapting.

3.Number of players

The minimal number of players needed to play is two and the maximum number is eight. Although games of Rummy are exclusively played in casinos and online sites and apps, it is not actually classed as your typical gambling game. This is to do with the amount of concentration, effort and skill needed in order to play efficiently. Considering as it is not classed as gambling, this allows Rummy to be enjoyed and played everywhere in the world, with no age restrictions or gender preferences.

  1. Name origin

The name “ Rummy” originates from the United Kingdom where the word Rum is just another way of calling something odd or peculiar. The idea of Indian Rummy being named this was all started because one would have to admit that some of the game play was quite out of the ordinary.

  1. Strict rules

It may be a great activity for family and friends to enjoy but there is one rule that should always be kept as high priority. Talking between one another or having any type of distraction present at the time of gameplay is strictly prohibited and frowned upon. Players need to be able to concentrate and focus on what they are doing and also how other players are acting. This is why silence is preferred when engaging in Indian Rummy.

Poker or Teen Patti: Which is the more fun card game?

Card games have been enjoyed by human beings for, reportedly, several thousands of years. Sure, back then they were incredibly primitive in nature, but the wonderful thing about these games is that, even now, not a great deal has changed. Sure you can play free poker games for fun online, but other than being played online, not a lot has changed. When we think of popular card games, of course the game of poker instantly springs to mind, but what else? Well, as it happens, in many parts of the world, including Asia, there is a game that competes directly with poker in terms of popularity. The game in question is known as Teen Patti. But which, if any, of the two card games are more fun and enjoyable? Well, we’re about to find out.

What is Teen Patti? – Teen Patti, is a game that has grown hugely in popularity over the years. There are now countless 3 Patti online game outlets where you can play this game from the comfort of your own home. Of Indian nature, Teen Patti, sometimes known as 3 Patti, is very similar to the 3 Card Brag game which originated in Britain. By the way, the name literally translates to ‘3 Cards’, in case you were wondering. Generally, the game works best between 4 and 8 players at a time, though there are rules and exceptions of course. The basic premise is that players place bets on who they believe has the highest-ranking card. Before a game, a minimum stake is decided upon, and players must all pay into the pot. If you’re thinking of getting into the game, but wish to practice first, playing 3 Patti online game tournaments for free, is a great way of doing exactly that.

What is Poker? – As you know, you can easily play free poker games for fun online, but what exactly is poker. Arguably the most popular card game on the planet, poker is a game which combines skill, luck, strategy, and gambling, all in one. The very basic purpose behind poker is that the player with the strongest hand ordinarily wins the round, unless of course, you can bluff your opponents into folding by convincing them that you have a strong hand, even if you don’t. What’s interesting is that there are actually several different variants of poker, although Texas Hold ‘Em is thought to be one of the most popular. The total number of cards dealt in poker will depend on which variant you are playing.

Which is more fun? – To be perfectly honest, we can’t give you a straight answer to this question for the simple reason that there is no right or wrong answer. Fun is a subjective matter, which means that some people will enjoy playing a 3 Patti online game more than they enjoy playing free poker games for fun, and vice versa. The best advice we can give you is to try both games online for yourself and see which you prefer.via gamentio http://ift.tt/2E0g5Sf

4 Pieces of Advice that You Must Listen to Before Learning Poker Games

If you’re wanting to learn poker, or simply make yourself a better poker player, you’ve most certainly come to the right place. Playing free online poker is a great place to begin as you can get a feel for the game, without having to worry about losing any money. However, there are also a number of other things you can do to enhance your game. Remember, a true poker great is not afraid to ask for, and listen to, advice from some a wide variety of different outlets. Therefore, here are 4 pieces of advice that you must listen to before learning poker games.

Don’t stay in a hand because you are already in – When you play poker, even if you are simply playing free online poker, there will be times when you are dealt a hand that looks strong. This brings excitement, but sometimes that excitement will be short-lived as the next 3 cards are turned over. You may get lucky and still have a decent hand, but once that 4th card gets turned and your hand suddenly sucks, this is where it’s important to fold. A lot of players are stubborn and think that, because they have already bet and are in a round, that they have to see it through until the end. You don’t. If you wish to learn poker, one of the first things you must do is know when to fold.

Don’t play in the wrong frame of mind – Remember, the great thing about free online poker is the fact that the game in general is so enjoyable, with the added bonus of you not having to worry or stress over money. However, when playing poker, even for free, you should only play when you’re in the right frame of mind. If you are angry, sad, or just generally not really feeling it today, the best advice we can give you is to wait it out, head to bed, and play the next day when you wake up in a much better mood.

Study and play – To learn poker you must not only study poker, but you should also play it. A lot of poker pros out there talk about the importance of playing poker as well as studying, and they are absolutely right. The great thing about free online poker games is that you can use these games as practice, without any real stresses. Sure, you get to have fun in the process, but each game is also a learning experience. As the saying goes ‘Practice makes perfect’ so be sure to play poker twice as much as you study it.

Have fun – Finally, the last piece of advice that we’ll be listing today is to have fun and enjoy yourself. At the end of the day, poker is primarily a game, and as you know, we play games so that we can have fun. If you are playing poker and you aren’t enjoying yourself, well, then stop. A game should be enjoyable, and it should not bring you down or stress you out. When playing poker, if the fun stops, you should stop.  via gamentio http://ift.tt/2BH4wKA

4 Useful Tips from Experienced Free Texas Holdem Practitioners

If you enjoy card games, then there’s a very strong chance that enjoy playing poker. Whether you play free Texas Holdem online, or if you enjoy sitting around the poker table with your buddies, there are plenty of ways of playing this awesome game. If you, by your own admission, suck at poker, or if you’re a beginner, you must first familiarize yourself with the poker rules of the game you are playing. You may also wish to watch a poker tutorial video online to help brush up on the basics. But what else can you do? Well, you could sit down and read this article, as we are now going to be looking at 4 useful tips from experienced free Texas Holdem practitioners, to help make you a better poker player.

Don’t try to play every hand – First off, in poker, the hand that you hold is so important, as the stronger the hand, the more likely you are to win. We aren’t going to go through the different hands with you right now, as that would take far too long. What we would say however, is that you watch some poker tutorial videos and read up on poker hands and what constitutes as a strong hand, and what is classed as a weak hand. When playing free Texas Holdem as a beginner, it’s vital that you don’t try playing every hand. A lot of newbies think that they have to play every hand no matter what, but that is a recipe for an early exit. If your hand is weak at the start, don’t be afraid to fold. Remember, in poker, patience is a virtue.

Study your opponents – If you are playing at a poker table, or with your buddies, you will be seated with other poker players, so you can study them in person. If however, you are playing free Texas Holdem online, you can still study your opponents. Study how they act. For example, if they are notorious for bluffing, this tells you that they don’t always have a strong hand. If they fold easily, this tells you that they are either a very smart player, or that they’re overly cautious. Either way, you can use this info to your advantage.

Only bluff when necessary – A lot of Texas Holdem players seem to think that bluffing makes them a better player and will therefore bluff for the sake of bluffing. If you bluff too often, other players will pick up on this (remember what we just talked about) and therefore this strategy is less likely to be effective. Unless the situation calls for a bluff, ideally you should simply fold if your hand is weak.

Be patient and have fun – Texas Holdem is a long-winded game that is not likely to be over quickly. Therefore, you need to be patient and you must bide your time. Don’t just rush into a game with the aim of winning ASAP, be patient, study others, take your time, and enjoy the game.  via gamentio http://ift.tt/2nnrUIW

The importance of Ace in Poker – Learn Poker

Poker is played in a series of betting rounds that culminate when the best hand or the last standing hand takes potl. Poker has evolved historically over the centuries. Although the most supported hypothesis of its emergence postulates that the game is a mixture of the influences of several games of previous eras, its origin cannot yet be clearly established.


How to play poker:

Nowadays it is one of the most popular card games, in the whole world and one of the favorites of the casinos, poker is always offering ‘surprises’. That is why it is necessary to learn to play poker. That is what this section is about, in it, we offer some poker lessons to introduce you to this wonderful world.

Learn poker as many of these poker lessons come from the hands of the players themselves who, over time, have been inventing strategies, new rules and, of course, variants of the original game, always looking for it to be even more entertaining and competitive, that’s why there are continually new things to learn to play poker. In this way, we have decided to prepare a review to learn how to play poker. It may seem that much has not changed, but it never hurts to have all the news of poker. Here we present you some simple poker lessons:

Let’s start with a review of the basic rules (see values of the cards):

  • The game of poker uses a deck of 52 playing cards and is played with the following scale of values: ace (the biggest), king (k), queen (q), jack (j), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 , 5, 4, 3 and 2 (the minor).
  • The number of cards to be dealt will depend on the variation of the poker that is being played, but it is usually 5. Or two in hand and five in the modality of Texas Holdem poker (which is the most played and the one you will see in poker mac)
  • The game consists of making combinations of cards with a higher value than the others. The elimination of players is done through bets.
  • Only by looking to the past, can the possible ancestry attributed to Poker be found’

A hand in which the highest ranking card is an ace with no pair or higher valued combination of cards possible. For example, in hold’em if a player’s hole cards are {A-Spades}{10-Diamonds} and the board comes {9-Spades}{8-Clubs}{K-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}, that player’s hand is “ace-high” ({A-Spades}{K-Hearts}{9-Spades}{8-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}).

Out of everything , you should never ignore the importance of ace in the poker

  • Aces Full – Full of Aces

A full house consisting of three aces and any pair

  • Ace-high

A five-card hand containing an Ace, with no straight or color or a hand that does not contain pairs

  • Aces Up

A hand that contains two pairs and one of them is a pair of Aces.

These are some of the popular terms related to Aces in Poker. So play your Ace carefully to maximize your Poker winnings.

Poker: Can you win this hand on the River?


Yes of course you feel that you can definitely win this hand on the River. But there are only a few outs that can overcome your opponent’s hand of a pair of Nines. You clearly see a Flush Draw, with two overcards to win the hand. There is an inside straight draw possibility as well, but will that card be good enough? Figure out for yourself and calculate the exact number of outs that will help you win this hand. 

via gamentio http://ift.tt/2CYRY6b

The strategies to win in Blackjack game

Winning in the Blackjack game requires strategy, not luck. Rarely, a few might get lucky, once in a while to win when they play blackjack without a strategy. Blackjack is a unique game among other casino games because it requires tactics to win consistently at the blackjack tables. I understand it could be frustrating when we lose, but it’s never the end. Why don’t you follow these simple strategies and see whether the odds will be in your favor?

Firstly, you need to learn the basic strategies of playing your cards wisely and then master the card counting system.

  • Learn everything about Blackjack from scratch- Blackjack requires adequate knowledge and foresight, it’s a game with processes. Familiarize yourself with the basic terms of blackjack, to know when you are winning and when there is a chance of losing. E.g. Double down, splitting pairs and surrender your hand.

  • Know the table’s game rules before playing- Blackjack game is not a guessing game and will never be, it’s a game of rules. The rules of the game need to be known before you place your bets, if you don’t want to lose your money cheaply. Get yourself familiar with the rules, as they may vary in different casinos!

  • Get a betting strategy- When you play Blackjack, you need to know it’s a game of mathematical probability, with strategies. Before you throw your money on that table, ask yourself what’s my strategy or plan to win. The first strategy I will suggest is paying attention, if you don’t, you might just lose way too quick. Secondly, study the table and be cautious. The list is long, you can add yours. In short, strategize before each game.

  • Increase your bet when the odds favor you- It’s advisable you start betting low after a deck shuffle, also when it seems you are winning. When many high cards are in the deck, it’s a good omen for you since they summed up to ten and help you get more blackjacks. If you keep playing, you will visualize how many cards will be in your favor while proceeding with the hand you have afterwards.

  • Resist buying insurance- Dealers are pros in Blackjack game and most have mastered Blackjack strategies. They lure and persuade you with options, especially when they have an Ace and tell you to seek protection. If you follow their instructions, most of the times you get your money back in the short-term and lose to the casino afterwards big time. Often, the beginners are their prey who never know the dealer has a card worth ten points face-down under an ace.

  • Enjoy perks with moderation- Always have it in mind that casinos are not charitable organizations, but business companies that are after your money. The offers start to roll in with free drinks for the night. Casinos will give you many offers, don’t be fooled, they are still after your money. Don’t let them cloud your judgement, stay alert.

  • Know your limits- Lastly, as humans, we have limitations with different abilities. You’ve labored hard for the cash that you will be throwing on their tables, make sure you are in proper state of mind before placing the bets and do not lose your focus. Know what you are willing to risk and stake. Please quit when you feel it is becoming uncomfortable. After all, it’s your cash and there will always be another day to bet.

Blackjack game is all about strategies if you really want to win on a regular basis.


via gamentio http://ift.tt/2qJcbYI

The importance of dealer position in Poker – Free Poker practice

Poker is a beautiful game which has become a favorite to millions all over the world. A member of the family of card games which combines skill, strategy and betting. Over the time, it has evolved into a money spinning game apart from being played just for fun and the euphoria that surrounds it. Poker can also be played online, anywhere and anytime. We have different websites where free online games can be enjoyed.

This article wants to emphasise on the importance of the dealer position when playing online poker. Also, how to improve with free poker practice to become a pro while playing to win.

In poker, there are rules like any other card game and some strategies that you need to know before you start playing Poker. The position of the dealer is very important while playing poker even though it’s just the free online poker that you want to play. Our focus is on online poker and not live poker.

Firstly, before you can become a master of the game and start winning big, you need constant practice and devotion to the game. Free poker practice is available on websites in diverse languages. Start with the free online poker today to understand the basics and moves of the game

How important is the dealer position in poker?

The dealer is the player that distributes the cards before play, rotating clockwise after each hand. To become a profitable online poker player, the dealer position could be an advantage in the long-run. The importance of the dealer’s position comes in several forms. The sitting position of the professional dealer never changes in casinos, though he or she is just handing out the cards for convenience. This allows other players to concentrate on the game. Usually, the dealer’s position is symbolized with a plastic chip with the word button written on it to differentiate from other players’ stacks. While rotating the position clockwise with every hand that is played.

Likewise, because it is considered an advantage for the dealer to play late in a round of betting, this is the reason why the dealer keeps changing each hand. So, if you are sitting to the right of the dealer compare to being in one of the early positions to the left of the dealer. The later you play, the closer you are to the player with the button, the better for you in online poker too. This gives you the privilege to wait and see the moves of others and act accordingly, as a poker strategy.

It’s very important to know the advantages this position brings, table position is something most people ignore when playing online poker, and they believe it makes little or no difference when playing online, they are misguided.

The Dealer position makes a big difference. Being a dealer is considered the best position  to play in a poker game, and that’s why, in social games, the position of the dealer rotates every hand, so that everyone gets a fair chance to use the dealer position to their advantage. Moving one position to the left with each hand. Every player at the table has the same chance to take advantage of the position.

If you have just played a hand in the position of dealer, you have to remember that a few hands later you will be in a much earlier position at the table. Lastly, playing fewer hands in an early position than in a later one, like the dealer position will help you in the game.

Remember, having a better idea of the dealer position with free poker practice will save you. So make good use of your position on the table when you are, close to the dealer or the dealer position.


via gamentio http://ift.tt/2Cxeyz2


There are numerous board and card games that can be played as a pastime, but how many tend to keep a player interested, as often as Rummy card games? Not many games can maintain the interest level of the players intact like rummy does.

Rummy is not only interesting but it is also a challenging game too. Each game of rummy is distinct in its own way because the cards are handed out differently. Hence, you have to exhibit analytical and reasoning skills to win the game. Here are a few reasons why it’s the preferred variation of card game around the world:


If you are new to rummy, then learning to play the game is no rocket science. It is quite easy to play once you learn the rules. Especially Indian rummy, which is all about forming sequences and sets with 13 cards and is very popular among us. From youngsters to older folks, everyone likes it owing to the ease in learning the game.



Online rummy sites rollout many lucrative options like rewards, bonuses and tournaments to win big cash rewards too. When the fun element is bundled with rewards, it is a sure-shot recipe to draw huge players. For players irrespective of whether they play for fun or for real cash, rewards are always encouraging to retain players as it keeps them coming back for more.



Rummy with its many variants and formats gives players several options to play. If you are playing online Indian rummy, then you have options such as pool, points or deals to pick and play. Further, with both free games and cash games available online, you can play whatever game suits your level of expertise.


So what are you waiting for? Give Rummy a try and in no time you will find yourself mastering this highly challenging and exciting pastime.


via gamentio http://ift.tt/2AmvUwX


Play poker online long enough and you’re bound to end up in a Limit Texas Hold’em game either by accident or by curiosity. While most poker players find a limit game to be tedious and one-dimensional, there are some advantages to learning and mastering this version of Texas Hold’em.

When you first experience a Limit Texas Hold’em tournament or game, you will very quickly realize the absence of an all-in bet. The void of such a tactical and psychological component can leave many No Limit Texas Hold’em players feeling frustrated and annoyed. Another obvious disadvantage in playing a Limit Hold’em game is the time it takes to complete a game or tournament. Due to the limits placed on the bet sizes, a typical tournament can take five to ten times longer to complete for the same number of entrees.

So, now that you are fully aware of the cons, let us look at the pros of playing and mastering Limit Texas Hold’em. First, you will very quickly realize the competitive level is much weaker in the “Limit” games, and to take advantage of this you’ll need to exercise extreme discipline. Newer players to the game of poker, or known also as “fish”, will be inclined to play way too many hands. Not only will they play too many hands, but also they will stay in every hand,  for excessively long and will see the river mostly, hoping to make a hand. Now that you are aware of the pros and cons of playing Texas Hold’em you will be in a better position to take advantage of the experience. If you utilize Limit Texas Hold’em to improve your skills, do not be surprised to find yourself at the final table and end up with an improved overall game. You just may find this version of Texas Hold’em to be a very profitable learning experience.


via gamentio http://ift.tt/2lPUHFi