3 Ways in Which Rummy Card Games Help in Memory and Concentration


As Old Father Time begins to catch up with us, we find that, with the passing of each year, our brains don’t quite function as they once did. When we’re young, our memories are generally sharper, as are our concentration levels. As we grow older, our reaction times slow, we struggle to remember things as well as we once did, and being able to focus and concentrate on even the most trivial of tasks, becomes a real problem. The fantastic news however, is that something as simple as playing a Rummy card game, could potentially help boost your memory, your concentration, and your cognition, very efficiently. This is yet another reason why the number of older people looking to play Rummy card game sessions online, has increased so dramatically over the years. But why and how to Rummy card games, and other similar card games online, help to provide so many cognitive health advantages? Well, let’s take a look, shall we?

Card games require good memory – First and foremost, like anything in life, the more you practice of something, the more effective it becomes, and with a Rummy card game, things are no different. Many card games out there require players to have a good memory because not only do they need to memorize the cards they have been dealt, they also need to memorize other player’s cards if possible, as well as the rules of the game itself, and the behaviour of the other players. A solid Rummy strategy relies heavily on memory, and the more you have to use your brain and rely on memory, the better your memory will surely become as time goes by.

Card games also help teach basic math skills – Okay, while you don’t have to figure out detailed formulas when you play Rummy card game sessions, you still need to have a basic understanding of mathematics because you will need to add up the total value of the cards you have. Other similar games work in a very similar way, say for example, you’re playing Black Jack and the aim is to reach 21, or as close to it as possible, you need to quickly be able to work out the value of your combined cards, and get the total as close to 21 as possible. It may not sound like much, but if you are constantly playing card games, your brain is constantly being worked, and like your muscles, the more it is worked, the more it will benefit over time.

Card games require a lot of focus and concentration – For those looking to work on a solid Rummy strategy, a lot of experts out there will tell you to work on your focus and concentration when playing each game. A lot of players kind of zone out when it’s not their turn, especially if there are a lot of players at the table. This however, is not beneficial because you are relaxing your brain, rather than subjecting it to various stimuli around it. If you’re serious about winning, you should focus on the cards being dealt, the cards you have, the behaviour of your opponents, and anything else which could help you emerge victorious from your game. The more you focus and concentrate, the easier it becomes to focus and concentrate on other things going on in your life.  

How to escape boredom at the airport with card games

If you are getting bored at the airport, playing card games is a great way to pass time. You can play whether you are alone or with a bunch of people. This is also a great way to spend time with your children. There are card games online that you can play. Here are some games that you can play to escape boredom.

card games


Cards must be placed in a specific layout and sorted into their individual suits.

Go Fish

This is a classic game that even kids can play. Dealer deals 5 or 7 cards to other players and puts the other cards face down in a jumbled pile or “pool.” The next player will choose another player and ask the others if they have any X. They must have the card they ask for and if a player they ask has the same card, they need to give all of them up. In case they don’t have the requested cards, they will say “go fish” and the player must pick up a card from the pool. When a player completes his set of cards, he can keep it aside. The one to finish all the cards before anyone else is the winner.


If boredom really gets to you while waiting at the airport, then you can play rummy. This is a term which mixes a lot of variations of card games, with gin as one of these variations. The idea of this card game is making melds, either runs or sets. There are variations of rummy that has different rules with different scoring systems. This card game can be played by 2-6 players. This is an excellent card game you can play on your phone to kill boredom at the airport.


The best card game of all time is poker. This can also be a family of card game like rummy and bridge where every player should play against each other. The winner will be determined by the combinations and ranks of the card of the player. There will be cards that are dealt to players and every version of this game has various numbers of cards. At the same time, there are some shared cards which are open for everyone to see. There are also hidden cards. Betting has been a huge part of this game together with the judging of cards of other players based on their body language and reaction. Poker is one of the best games that can help you pass time at the airport. You also need to take caution because this game can really get addicting because of the thrill of beating other players and winning.