There has always been so much enthusiasm for the rummy game. But not many players truly understand the role of a joker card in a rummy game. A Joker can be used in place of any card and is an easy way to meld your cards into sets and sequences. So to use this card, players must put forth their best skills and strategy.

For all the rummy beginners, there isn’t an experienced gap to be bridged; there is just profound ignorance — you just need to cultivate the skill of playing with either one or sometimes no joker in hand and change the odds. Some players have become doyens of the game simply by reading their opponents’ hands and playing accordingly that they can even win without any joker cards.

To make a difference in your gameplay, learn the secret to meld this magical card with your cards. Here are some tips/rules which would be very useful going forward…Read full blog here- RUMMY: PLAY WITH JOKERS WISELY